My New Mortar & Pestle Purchase

For a long time now I have been searching for the perfect mortar & pestle, the perfect mortar & pestle for me, I mean to say.  I've looked at quite a few and as of late has been one of those items I always look at when in a store that sells kitchen items.  The marble and rock mortar & pestle (which there seems to be an abundance of) always seems to have rock dust and teeny-weenie rock pieces and chips in the bowl, I find this not to my liking as I don't want to be eating 'rock' anything, and though I know it's unlikely I'll be finding anything rock-like in my food by using a rock-made mortar & pestle it is still "not for me".

This past weekend I decided to go for a walk and get some exercise... at the mall, I found myself in Crate & Barrel.  Looking at hand-mixers and coffee grinders can be great fun, Sur La Table, Costplus World Market and Crate & Barrel are my top three places I like to window-shop for kitchen items.  Window-shopping was all I was doing until I saw my mortar & pestle, it was the mortar & pestle I've been waiting for!  Made of entirely wood and unique in the look and feel I just stopped and stared it for quite awhile, and then I touched it, before I knew it I was pretending to bash an assortment of dried herbs and things.  I had to buy it and for only $24.00 and some change, that day I came home with my new Olivewood Mortar & Pestle from Crate & Barrel.  I bashed some peppercorn for dinner, I thought it was a pretty good excuse to use it.

Olivewood Mortar & Pestle $24.95 @ Crate & Barrel