Trailer Homes Out-Shining The Stereotype

When I think of trailer homes and probably when you think of trailer homes also, we think 'ugh!  Trailer homes' as pictures of dirty small cramped spaces fill our minds lived in by those who can't afford proper housing.  The moral of this obviously is that it's not always as it seems, and am on the verge myself of traveling across the country in a trailer home!  On my fairly minor quest to find trailer homes worthy of posting I've come across some that made me smile, maybe after a good look at our options and the possibilities we will all be clamoring to get one and leave our scheduled consumer lives for something a bit more rustic... or maybe not.

We will start with as seen below, a couple of rather regular trailer homes, not bad.

An empty generic trailer home below shows us the space we can play with.  Most easily done would be a modern interior as you already have the brushed steel and white to play with among your design.  I can see splashes of bright pastel colors, shag rugs, retro furnishings, a large framed picture on the wall, simple bright sky-blue curtains.  Yes, it wouldn't be too bad at all would it?

Still in the realm of the "normal" trailer home, below is a luxury trailer home.  I imagine rock stars partying it up.  Much larger in width with overhead track lighting and wooden floors I can easily see how someone can live in this one.

Now for the not-so-conventional.  Hardly a trailer home but still great in it's own right, a mini MINI trailer home one can lug around by bike.  If only the homeless people had one of these they needn't sleep outside every night.

One of my favorites, below is a vintage trailer home set up retro chic.  Proof that the interior of trailer homes CAN be made stylish and with character.

Outside of trailer homes.  (Top pic) with mini patio, pop-top, two-toned, multi-panel walls is an example of a modern inspired trailer home, while (bottom pic) includes solar panels for a more green living.  These examples show us that trailer homes are indeed adaptable.

This man apparently loved living in trailer homes so much that he made his own little trailer park complex multi-leveled with bench, pond and walkway.