The Kitchen, For The Love Of Food

In the past year I found that if you want to cook daily or simply more often you need to love your kitchen, a very large part of this love for your kitchen stems from the physical room, the space, the look, the feel.  If I haven't already made this known in a previous blog now is as good as time as any, the deciding factor to sign the lease with my current apartment was the kitchen, it's a bit extreme I know.  I walked into the kitchen, eyed the 1940's stove, the old wooden cabinets, old-fashioned rectangular shallow single-basin sink and eating nook- I was in love and so excited to try it out.  I do cook a lot more often now.

The french country kitchen or just plain country kitchen with lots of wood is what appeals to my senses when it comes to kitchens, whatever your style may be one must have a good relationship with one's kitchen to love cooking.